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Best Lawn Fungicide

Lawn Disease
4 min read

Fungus can severely damage lawns, but it can be prevented. How do you find the best fungicide for your lawn? What types are available, and when should they be applied? Look no further than the experts at Jonathan Green for answers.

Jonathan Green is a company that is built upon time-honored traditions and innovative scientific research. Since 1881, we have studied turfgrass and what it needs to thrive, creating products that provide lasting results year after year. Today, we use the latest scientific technology to test all of our products to make sure they will perform on your lawn. The end result will be a beautifully green, healthy lawn for you and your family.

What Are the Signs of Lawn Fungus?

Lawns naturally contain millions of fungi spores called mycelia, some are harmless and some are problematic. However, when the weather conditions are right (drought or after long periods of rain followed by high heat and humidity), or overwatering occurs, lawn fungus outbreaks can appear. This can happen in any season – spring, summer, fall or winter – and diseases such as Summer Patch or Snow Mold can kill your grass. The worst damage occurs during times of weather extremes.

Some of the many signs that may point to lawn fungus:

  • White, yellow or brown patches or rings that grow in size
  • Thin patches of frayed or discolored grass blades
  • Red, orange, gray, black, or purple spots on blades or stems
  • Powdery coatings on and around grass blades
  • Areas of greasy-looking or wet-looking grass

The good news is that many cases of lawn fungus can be treated. Jonathan Green Lawn Fungus Control is systemic, working through the roots of the grass plant and provides both preventative and curative treatment of leaf spot, dollar spot, striped smut, fusarium blight, patch and mold diseases, and more than 20 other turf diseases.

Lawn Fungus Control can be applied at the same time you apply other turf products, including grass seed mixtures. For the best results, water in after applying. Each application will provide effective turf disease control for up to 21 days. Normal grass growth should resume after fungicide treatment.

Fungicides can be harmful. In addition to killing the fungi, they will also harm the grass if used in excessive amounts or dosages. Refer to our Jonathan Green Lawn Fungus Control Safety Data Sheet and follow the instructions on the container.

How to Prevent Lawn Fungus

Watering: Many lawn fungi develop under moist conditions.  You can’t control when and how much it will rain, but you can control when your sprinklers come on and turn off. Water early in the morning to allow the grass blades to dry in the sun during the day. Watering at night can lead to turf disease because the mycelia that cause the fungi are spread by the water droplets at night.

Fertilizing: Both over- and under- fertilizing can promote some fungal diseases, and synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and other lawn chemicals can upset the balance of your lawn’s ecosystem, allowing disease organisms to grow. Jonathan Green Organic Lawn Food is great for newly seeded lawns or existing lawns. It works overtime to strengthen your lawn and give it the nutrients it needs.

Mowing: Keep the mower blades sharp and mow your lawn to the correct height. Never cut more than half of the grass leaf blade in one mowing or it can shock the plant, especially during times of heat and drought stress, and make it more vulnerable to fungal disease.

Jonathan Green offers the best lawn fungicide. For more information about identifying fungi or other turfgrass diseases, visit us online or visit your nearest independent garden center or hardware store where the knowledgeable retailers can help you remedy the problem.

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